Polymath Chick is…
The blog of a girl with too many interests to settle on just one topic to blog about. “Lifestyle” blog of a polymath seemed to about cover it. From personal finance and self-care to travel and good books to read, I like to get into it all.
Why “Polymath”? What does that mean?
By definition, a Polymath is “a person with wide-range knowledge or learning.”
With all the internet talk about “niching down” being what a person needs to do in order to be a successful blogger, I decided that there wasn’t just one specific avenue I wanted to go down with my blog. SO I had to come up with
The Goal of Polymath Chick is…
To share insight into all the different things I’ve learned and experiences. With the goal of positively impacting at least one person, if not thousands. In some way at least.
But just like any good blogger out there, I also want to spread the word of how to create a blog. I realize that there are a billion other blogs about blogging out there, and that the competition is high. But if I can share something, even just a small kernel of information, that makes a difference for another blogger, that’s all I can hope to accomplish.